Monday, October 24, 2011

Back in Blog Mode Again

Yes, it has been a long time. We've been on holiday, Mom hasn't been well, and we were without computer for a few weeks. I even thought about giving up on the blog. But I can't let go of this cyber thread that connects me to family and friends. Communication can be difficult - most of y'all are at least a dozen time zones away and your day is my night -- but I can tell you stories here that you can read at your leisure. September was spent living out of suitcases and I've spent much of October recovering from our travel to Kuala Lumpur, Los Angeles and Houston. I've taken enough photos to keep me scrapbooking for at least another 5 years!  Here are some of my favorites.

I was able to get some serious grandbaby-holding time. Ethan was teething and drooled all over my shoulder. I wore it with pride!

Father and son, having the time of their lies and making great memories. 

Granddad and Owen at the arcade.

We celebrated Vince's sister Jeanette's birthday during the Vetter family reunion in San Antonio. Left to right: Jeanette, husband Charlie, Vince, and his sister Carina. Note vintage family photos and diagrams behind Jeanette and Charlie.

Souvenir shop treasures at Santa Monica pier. The smiling starfish with shades caught my fancy, as did the paper clip surfers.

Vince, aka surfer dude, helping Mom choose wigs to wear during chemo. Who knew it could be so much fun?

More blogs are on their way. The Queen is coming to Perth later this week and the town is all a-twitter. There are more police than civilians on the roads, and the city has been spruced up for her visit. My mahjong group has planned a special tea party in her honor, or should that be "honour." Can't wait to share the invitation and photos!  I plan to post more tomorrow. :-> 

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