Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to Annoy Your Neighbours

It was an accident. Really. And it all started a couple of months ago. During our first few weeks in this apartment the fire alarm was raised several times. The culprit? An overheated clothes dryer in another apartment. The fire department took a very long time to respond to these alarms, especially after the first one. This did not sit well with building management and they complained LOUDLY to the authorities about it. We read about it in our tenant newsletter.

Fast forward to last Thursday morning. I had such good intentions. It was 6:40am. We had just returned from the gym and I thought it would be nice to have a cooked breakfast instead of cereal for a change. I dragged out the toaster and for the umpteenth time thought "I really need to replace this thing. It doesn't work very well. I should have bought the more expensive one." But I popped the bread in anyway and went to work on a cheese, tomato and bell pepper omelet. Moments later the glorious smell of coffee and eggs wafted through the kitchen, followed by -- what's that? -- burnt toast! I flipped on the extractor fan and opened the kitchen window, but I wasn't quick enough. Within seconds the high-pitched shrieks of the fire alarm filled not only the apartment but our entire building.
The culprit
My  first thought was "that's what happens when you buy a nine  dollar toaster" immediately followed by  "how do we stop this *&^%$# noise?!" I knew that after the events in May, our local firefighters would be here lickety-split. And sure enough, they were. I felt awful when I saw the lady in the apartment below standing in the lobby with her sleepy four year-old, both in their pajamas. And then I had to explain to Andrew, our safety rep, that there was no fire, just a bunch of smoke from a cheap toaster. He was remarkably understanding, considering that he is a policeman who works the night shift and had just arrived home in hopes of a good sleep.
Two firetrucks - one for each slice
Manny, Moe & Jack?

Moments later the fire brigade arrived -- two trucks worth, and sirens blaring. Guess they wanted building management to know they got the message about being responsive. In a flash they were on the 6th floor, checking out the smoke alarm and smirking at the burnt toast. It occurred to me  that this was a memorable moment, I should get a picture. Really, how many people do you know who have had the fire department called to their home in Australia? I didn't think the firefighters would share my opinion, so I snuck around and took pictures from our window rather than risk getting arrested for setting off a fire alarm under false pretenses.

On their way home. Hope they saw the humor in it!

Another five minutes worth of groveling and "no worries, mate!" and the firemen were on their way. And now I'm off to buy a $35 toaster that won't smoke out the apartment. When I get home, I think I'll bake some muffins for the other tenants. But I'll be careful not to burn them!