Perth sunrise: view from my kitchen window. Makes me want to do the dishes!
We're slowly furnishing the apartment. I know the layout of the IKEA store by heart. Eight stores and seven hours of shopping netted me a travertine-topped dining table, 6 microfiber (like suede but easier to clean) chairs and a buffet made of Marra (pronounce marree) wood. We barely got unpacked when it was time for our first inspection. In Australia the owner of a residence has the right to inspect it as often as every 6 weeks. Typically, the real estate agent or a hired third party service does it. Sounds a bit big brother-ish to me but hey, renters can't be choosers. We passed our first inspection with flying colors. From the inspector's comments I must conclude that there is an epidemic of soap scum spreading to shower doors all over Perth, and I've heard they're thinking of making it a felony to have a dirty kitchen floor. :-D I still love this place, and will take more photos and share them soon.
Next time... Australian blood sport - oops, I mean politics!